Reforming the economy and society. Why I want it despite the fact I won’t benefit.

Why do I want a more equitable society and economy, that involves the abolition of student loans and thus debt; the forgiveness of debts – including government debts – accrued through mental health issues (yeah, that’s a thing, I’m afraid. I’ll happily give details to anyone interested); the promotion of apprenticeships to those over 20-30; the promotion of undergraduate university courses to those over 20; a more mental health and sociological approach to how debt accrues and finding a way to combat it that doesn’t involve punishing those stuck with it; and WAY more besides?

Is it because I lived – and still live – through those experiences?

Hell yes. I doubt anyone who hasn’t properly understands any of this.

Is it because I want my life to be all rosy now?



Life has already taken from me my best years and everything after last November means little to me personally. You can’t give back what I lost then. What we lost them.

I’m pretty much done.

I’ll keep going, because fuck doing life’s inevitable dirty work for it.

But my point is, I won’t gain anything meaningful. That’s already passed.

I just don’t want others to go through that shit, and I know that restructuring our economy and society and political system is going to make things better for the generations to come and the younger generation who are alive now.

I don’t want anyone else to go through what my friends have experienced and what I’ve experienced.

I’ll still have to pay for what I’ve gone through.


You’ve literally taken my heart, I don’t care what else you take.

Just don’t do it to everyone else.

So much wasted potential because you couldn’t be bothered to understand humanity, let alone life as a whole.

We’ve normalised sociopathy to the point that it’s not a disorder we have to work with productively, but a FOUNDATIONAL FEATURE of our existence.

I want these reforms not because I’ll ever get to profit from them – rest assured, I won’t even if they happen tomorrow – but so that our children and future generations don’t have to go through all this shit over and over again.

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